Dress Code
This policy is designed to promote grooming and hygiene, prevent disruptions, minimize safety hazards, and maintain a positive learning environment. Here are some key guidelines to keep in mind:
Distracting Attire: Outfits that are too short, revealing, low-cut, see-through, or backless, and underwear-styled garments worn as outerwear are not permitted.
Head Coverings: Hats or head coverings are not allowed inside school buildings.
Decorative Items: Avoid suggestive or inappropriately located patches, insignia, or clothing with improper advertising, pictures, slogans, or statements.
Hate Speech/Imagery: Clothing or accessories depicting hate speech or imagery are strictly prohibited.
Gang-Related Items: No paraphernalia indicating or promoting gang membership.
Sunglasses: Not allowed inside the building.
Footwear: Appropriate shoes are required. (no slippers)
Hair: Must be clean and groomed; distracting hairstyles are not allowed.
Facial Hair: Should be neatly groomed and not distracting.
Orthodontic Appliances: Only if prescribed by a medical professional.
Military Uniforms: Only permitted for school-approved activities.
Flags: The American or any State flag should not be worn in a disrespectful manner.
Safety: Clothing and accessories must not endanger student or staff safety.
Specialized Courses: May require specific attire like sports uniforms or safety gear.